Prof. Knick is currently an English professor at Korea Nazarene University. He has been teaching university students since 2003.

If you have an ESL question, please leave a message.

11 Responses to “About”

  1. junghwa Says:

    nice meeting u on website !!
    and i have a no idea you have 2 puppises ^^
    i’ll come often. i think it’s good for studying Engligh.
    Good luck for your blog!!!!

  2. ProfKnick Says:

    Thanks. The puppies aren’t mine though. They belong to the owner of the fishing shop I pass each day when I walk to and from work.

  3. Rick Says:


    Do you speak to the puppies as well? If so, what language do you use, Korean or English?

    Cool blog, by the way.


  4. Choi Jin Seok Says:

    Hello, Ron!!
    How are you today?
    Nice Website!!
    Don’t Go!! Ron!!
    Just a kidding.^^
    We will visit your home in vacation!!
    That’s OK?
    We will have Party!!!

  5. Isabell Says:

    I just fund your website, really nice!
    Some months ago I have begun learning Korean and would be very interested in a dictionary for slang (Korean – German / German – Korean preferred but also Korean – English). Do you know where I can get one?
    many thanks in advance!
    Yours Isabell

  6. Can Duman Says:

    I just chanced upon your website. The content is virtually geared towards me so I felt like dropping a few lines. Thank you for the work. I have yet to browse, and I will very soon take the time to do so.


  7. Can Duman Says:

    I have a question:
    What does “at large” mean? I frequently encounter it being used as an adverb but I couldn’t figure whether it is just “at” + “large” or a unified expression that took on a new meaning. I would be happy if you could crystallize this. Thanks.

  8. someone Says:

    I have visited several times through the google to search for infomation about English.
    But, Today!! I found that you are in Korea, my country, as a professor. I was so surprised and glad. I am going to visit this website.
    I think you must be a great teacher. 🙂

  9. Can D. Says:

    Can you please briefly write on the adjective “nasty”? I’m appealing to you rather than look it up from a dictionary, because I am curious to know in what sense Americans generally employ it.

    Another thing is, in referring to a particular fruit or vegetable in general, would you use plural or singular? That’s; which of these sounds better, “I like tomatoes” or “I like tomato”?, “Carrot contains vitamin B6” or “Carrots contain …”?

    And what is the best response to “What’s up?” I know it varies depending on the person and his mood, but is there a “one-size-fits-all” kind of answer to this question?

    Thanks. I can’t wait to read your new posts.


  10. Dani Says:

    When can we expect new updates from you? = )

    Happy new year, by the way.

    1. ronkb2 Says:

      Thanks for your comments… going to try to post some updates this year after a very long sabbatical 🙂

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